Mar 29, 2006

Mar 15, 2006

some tit-bits

I have not abandoned this blog I will be back soon.
till then...
The most shocking tag on the back of autos in Munmbai is "Women Enpowerment"(more on tags on the back of autos later :))
There are two parts of mumbai one that is underconstrutcion and the other that is not.
Keep smiling!!!

Mar 3, 2006

Home -- I am going to miss

Yesterday I went to place that I have called HOME for the maximum duration in my life. Everything looked the same, same set of decoration, same set of photos of family n friends hanging on the wall. But everything had a thick layer of dust... two thoughts struck me. One was that even though not a lot of time has passed but life is not the same and second it felt that even after so much has changed once u "dust it cean" it will be home again. But this time when I dust it clean it will be to pack up things n set of to a new journey.
I met friends who asked me y don't I work here... why am I going back to India. All I tell them is that I want to-- how else do I explain. At this point after I leave Thailand I will not have a place that I will call home. I will have to make a home and strat over again.

I will miss Bankgok. I will miss my friends here.