Showing posts with label thought. Show all posts
Showing posts with label thought. Show all posts

Jul 24, 2008


life... is under your control... and yet it completely runs on its own...
emotions... how easy r they to fake... and sometimes how difficult to hide...

where do you draw the line...
how easy for people to misinterpret you...
and not know what is that means and what is it that just is in the passing...

and then you go back in your own shell :)

Jul 15, 2008

Jul 2, 2008


Some time I feel that life has done code freeze at a very wrong place.... and we are so scared to implement new features and upgrade old once that we keep continue with just the bug fixes... but then do any of us know what is our core program so that we can go and make changes without creating more bugs... and on top of this we keep messing with others code to... which is all together out of our understanding...

i know that this post is going to make no sense at all but it does to me....

May 12, 2008


Some times you want to say so much but there are no words
some times there is a storm of emotions but no feeling
some times you want to go some where but there is no destination
some times you want to cry but there tears have dried
some times you want to you want the nightmare to end but you never wake up
some times all you need is understanding but there is none
some time....
just in those times you wish that there was a hand to hold you
to comfort you and tell you all will be fine and most of all you could believe that it true!!!

May 9, 2008

Oct 3, 2007


Some times you think that a thing like that could never happen to me... and then you realize that you are right in the middle of that shit.

Jun 12, 2007


Some things you never thought would happen with you... but they do
Some feelings you never thought would develop in you... but they do
Some decisions you never thought would shake you... but they do

How your ideals get shaken when reality hits?
Where you find the way to continue when your strength is taken from you?

After all life was never fair for us and it will never be...
but we still have to fight it out and be what we want to be.

May 9, 2007

Oct 16, 2006


Reminds me of the song Pal Pal hai bhari form Swadesh. Why do we celebrate these festivals??? It does not to have the same value... Seems to be just another holiday no one thinks about them. Some just do the rituals and others don't that is the only difference. Those days are gone when the every festival stood for a trait that was to be learned, a virtue to be added in once life. Now it is just something to show... But show what? That we are Hindus? Does lighting a few diyas or chanting few lines of sholaks actually makes us Hindu? Or just a good enf reason to buy new clothes? chillax at home?

I wonder does virtue actually has any value in life? If not why not? There is a trend in Hinduism in India that I am seeing these days... There no information, only misinformation. Too many (wrong)things are being done in the name of religion. I use to think that it is a problem faced more by other religion(recently) but now it seems to be fast spreading again in Hinduism.

But none the less I will enjoy my diwali to the fullest and hope u all do the same. Will continue on this thought later.

Oct 4, 2006


How can one event of life change all the priorities of life. There are a million thoughts running through my head these days and so many things that keep me busy. But there is nothing to show for.
Building a relationship takes effort, time and most importantly willingness to make it successful. :)

Aug 18, 2006


Sometimes when you think life cannot get worse than this it just does.
And sometimes when you think that there is no end to this darkness...
just then it bring out the silver lining.

May 2, 2006


I havn't been really good with blogging these days... there is so much that i hear and see that needs to be put down here but somehow when there is time there is no access and where there is access there is no time. I need to do something abt it.

Jan 24, 2006

Jan 17, 2006


I was trying to list the names of people who have crossed my life and was amazed how many memories came back... More than once I said to myself how the could I not remember that name? and when did I lose contact with this person?

Jan 8, 2006


Friendship does not come with the number of movies watched together or the number of places visited together. Neither does it come by hours spend on phone or what and how we share things.
Friendship is just a surity that the person wishes well for you, just a feeling of being comfortable and not having the need to put on a happy, sad or any other look to be accepted.

Jan 4, 2006


I have made a decision but some how I am not able to put it through in action... I wonder what is holding me back? Maybe the course of action is not clear.

Dec 23, 2005

Dec 17, 2005


So many people cross our paths... not everyone leaves a mark! We give right to people to enter our lives, our emotional relm. But it is not us who deciede when they leave, how they leave. Sometimes only there departure lets us know that they were a part of our lives. Strange as this maybe sometimes you have to hold on to some people to prevent them from leaving and sometimes you have to push people out. Neither of the transitions being right.

Dec 4, 2005