Jul 22, 2022

Jul 10, 2022

Unexplained connection - little book of humanism

I started a new job last week... Went to a new city, well more like a town. I picked up this book there and it has wonderful words to live by. 

On my way back from there I had a strangest sensation that I was leaving something behind. All my life I have had these feelings that moment, this person, this place is of significance to me. And as I life unfolds things reveal themselves. I don't know yet if it is the place or the people or something else that will make difference but I know something will. 
For now what I do know is that the book I picked up from the book shop there is worth a read and let's wait for rest to follow. 

Sep 18, 2021

When all of life's adventures are done and you come to a pause... Hope you come looking for me at that bend again. 

Aug 21, 2020

 When the search of destination leads to the path itself and you realise that the destination is completely different from what you imagined

Sep 16, 2018

कभी तकरार
कभी इन्तिज़ार
कभी ऐतेबार

किसीसे शिकायत
किसीसे आशिएँ

और कूदसे ?

रोका क्यों जब बढ़ना चाहा
और जब फिर रुकने को दिल चाहा, तो रह चुनने की समझ दी 

Sep 4, 2018

State of head

named entity recognition, entity resolution, disambiguation, query expansion, spell checker, topic area, taxonomy, matrix calculation, semantic tagging, enrichment

Sep 1, 2018

Notes - Lean Architecture

Great design is finding just the right solution that let's you have your cake and eat it too, but competent design is realising when the business just won't allow such magic, owning up to that realisation, and making hard decisions based on the consequences of that realisation.

This is probably the most difficult thing to do if you are a perfectionist and it takes a toll to continuously keep doing this. Together with this should also go a warning that know what is your compromise limit.

Aug 31, 2018

current mind map

relevancy, ML for learning to rank, share data pipeline, streaming data updates, shared code vs shared infra vs shared data, cost and team organisation, entity recognition, courage & decline, and writing again