May 26, 2005

dawkins on genetic engineering...

Where do the real dangers of genetic engineering lie?

this is an old article on genetic engineering by dawkins but the issues it address are still the same that are faced by "scientific" community and the law makers.

parts of his article
"Part of what we have to fear from genetic engineering is a paradox - it is too good at what it does. As ever, science's formidable power makes correspond-ingly formidable demands on society's wisdom. The more powerful the science, the greater the potential for evil as well as good. And the more important it is that we make the right choices over how we use it. A major difficulty is political - deciding who is the "we" in that sentence. If decisions over genetic engineering are left to the marketplace alone, the long-term interests of the environment are unlikely to be well served. But that is true about so many aspects of life."

will "we" ever be ready to use science's formidable powers only for good?