Aug 4, 2006

Close Encounter

It is these people I saw yesterday on mumbai local train... Frequent travelers know the rush at Kurla. So as usual at Kurla people poured in and I heard a shrill voice screaming at someone "Randi hat saath mae bachha hai" The lady must have been 70 something with a baby girl of 7 in front of her. After forging her way in she settled herself few paces away from where I was standing and asked the little girl to move to the side. I was shocked that after screaming at another women to make way for the kid she is asking her to move away. But then a girl of at most 15 or 16 moved into my view. She was holding a another baby girl of 3 who was crying in burst and to top it she was pregnant. I had this sudden erg to slap someone and say what the hell were you thinking. All I could was move a little away. After a while someone got up and gave her seat to this "women" and someone gave the crying baby some biscuits and she stopped crying.

People might have given her food or a place to sit but the fact still remains "A girl of 15 with two kids, one crying of hunger and third on its way." And all I can do is write about it and then get on with life. Do we get immune to such things and let it pass? I wish that i never do...


Known Stranger said...

we are . i was in mumbai on july 19th - 21st./ was travelling dadar, kurla, andheri, bandra. couldnt find any symptoms of terror of bomblast. mumbai is one strange city that always fascinate me - for the way she moves lakhs of people every day on their person life. this is another typical senses of human we just keep moving doing noghting i am no exception

i didnt follow your page for long time almost a month was shifting my place of work and stay. just settlign in new place and catching up your post.

Anantha said...

Yeah it is sad but true... and it hardly ever stops...which is the saddest part.

You are right we can't just get immune to such things...but i wonder what we can actually do about it and how effective that will be!

Well then keep posting~

Anonymous said...

If we become immune, if we allow ourselves to become immune, then we should not consider ourselves any 'better'. Everytime we see such things, everytime we hear of such things, our strings must be pulled taut and hard. That done, we then move to the flip side. Helplessness!

An easy solution can quickly be thought of, worked out. But there just too many deep-rooted factors that do not allow for easy solutions.

Helpless. Saddened and then we need to move on to face our own factors in our own lives.
