Nov 15, 2006

UN permanent seat... British support

UN seat: Britain backs India's claim from The Hindu

The British Foreign Secretary, who is just back from India after a six-day visit, said "one of the strongest impressions I took away from my trip to India was one of a country that is today an absolutely indispensable strategic partner for Britain.

"And equally, I sensed a country that was willing to engage in real debate on the global agenda."


Ar Ar Ar Arrrrr said...

absolutely indispensable strategic partner for Britain.
Is this guy aware of the recent Call Centre Credit card fraud which involved major banks from UK, offshoring work to India??

Im curious :)

Known Stranger said...

we are not as smart as chinese to get the veto power in golden plate but dependent on western power. only one asian country in UN has the veto power - wasnt the UN itself a western centered power ?

smiley said...

they all know there is no computer world without indians :)