Aug 1, 2007

This is the reality... and it is pathetic

Female foeticide instigates rage via NDTV

This it the reality about situation of women not Prathiba Patil. This will change not by mass revolution or within a day. This can only change if all of us each and every individual - man and woman - perceive each other as equal.
Believe that solution is
not to cover them form head to toe but to teach men not to look at them as sex objects.
not to ban them from going to work at odd hours but to make it safer for them to work at any hour
not to train them that subordination is good but to give them the right to choose

Not all the problems come form men often it is women who cause problems for other women...
More on this some other time.


Rajan said...

Shobhna, You'll be surprised how many (educated) women still buy into the "why was the women wearing revealing clothes ?" BS.
Its so goddamn sad. Don't know if anger or empathy is the right response when some educated colleague makes such comments. Haven't they been through the same system and society that you and I have. Why cant they get this simple thing straight?