Apr 19, 2009

Pathetic journalism

Women’s groups protest newspaper report on rape case via Hindu

I am wondering what kind of sickness does the society have to to want to read the details of rape or identity of a rape victim. I am saying this cause mumbai mirror must have thought this to be masala article to sell its pages of so called newspaper. Would you want to read about some gory murder details... in newspaper. A newspaper is read by all age groups all strats of society... the definition of news is changing so fast that some how it does not remain news anymore. The so called news channel, the so called newspapers what do they have? What do they reflect? What do they say?

What happened to news being a peice of information be worthy of mentioning? What happened to news article giving you just information and you being capable of making up your own mind about it?
What happened to news being unbaised?
What happened to news being facts?

Now to get the correct picture I have to read 10 differnet sources to see the bits that are overlapping and assume well that must be the true part of this entire news facade.