Jun 4, 2005

intangible cultural heritage

form hindu-
Rajasthan's wealth of intellectual capital

"As far as the tangible cultural heritage of the State is concerned, commendable work is being done in various parts, at different levels, to protect, revive, conserve and preserve these monuments. But in this age of globalisation and fast moving technology, geographical barriers are fast melting. Traditions and cultures no more remain hidden or guarded by strict geographical boundaries. Thus protection of one's intangible heritage also assumes huge significance. Since this State is rich in both tangible and intangible heritage, the former being taken adequate care of, conservation and protection of its intangible cultural heritage requires immediate attention. "

"one stark reality that hits us is that Rajasthan — the State with probably the greatest wealth of GIs — has not procured even a single Geographical Indication so far. "

"As against most other forms of Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs), which are basically individual oriented, the Geographical Indications have the advantage of benefiting the entire community of producers"