Jun 4, 2005

universe in a computer

a very intresting article from hindu:
A universe in a computer

"In the last few years, they have been able to determine that all the stars, galaxies, black holes and their radiation add up to a trifling five per cent of the universe. Around a quarter of creation is mysterious stuff called cold dark matter. The other 70 per cent is now known to be the even more baffling "dark energy," a kind of anti-gravity that is pushing the universe apart.
Prof. Frenk said: "We programmed the biggest computer in Europe with these ingredients and the laws of physics and we just let it compute a universe. We let it churn away — in fact we shut down all science in Germany, we excluded all German science for a month while this very large machine ground away — and at the end we got this beautiful universe, which for all intents and purposes looks like the real thing.