Dec 7, 2005

Women of Al Qaeda from MSNBC Newsweek

Jihad used to have a gender: male. The men who dominated the movement exploited traditional attitudes about sex and the sexes to build their ranks. They still do that, but with a difference: even Al Qaeda is using female killers now, and goading the men.

THis is not the summary nor the most interstin part of the article. But I simply could not decide which part to pick to took the introduction and quoted it. Never have I understood it nor do I think I will ever understand it how can people kill and on top of that the reasons sound well unreasonable.


Ar Ar Ar Arrrrr said...

I will ever understand it how can people kill and on top of that the reasons sound well unreasonable.
I dont know wht to say about such people who kil people under the name of religion.


Such a waste of human life!!