May 30, 2007


There are some people who live in a dream world, and there are some who face reality; and then there are those who turn one into the other.
-- Unknown

If you can't be a good example, then you'll just have to be a horrible warning.
-- Catherine Aird

May 23, 2007


This is my wish for you:

Comfort on difficult days,

smiles when sadness intrudes,

rainbows to follow the clouds,

laughter to kiss your lips,

sunsets to warm your heart,

hugs when spirits sag,

beauty for your eyes to see,

friendships to brighten your being,

faith so that you can believe,

confidence for when you doubt,

courage to know yourself,

patience to accept the truth,

Love to complete your life.

May 9, 2007

Jan 10, 2007

Nov 15, 2006

UN permanent seat... British support

UN seat: Britain backs India's claim from The Hindu

The British Foreign Secretary, who is just back from India after a six-day visit, said "one of the strongest impressions I took away from my trip to India was one of a country that is today an absolutely indispensable strategic partner for Britain.

"And equally, I sensed a country that was willing to engage in real debate on the global agenda."

Nov 10, 2006

Oct 20, 2006


Jail for Imrana's father-in-law from The Hindu

MUZAFFARNAGAR: A local court on Thursday convicted 70-year-old Ali Mohammed of raping his daughter-in-law Imrana and sentenced him to 10-year imprisonment. After the June 6, 2005 incident, a Muslim panchayat directed Imrana to treat her husband as a son, sparking a nationwide furore.

Oct 18, 2006

I completely agree...

Skills Gap Hurts Technology Boom in India from NYTimes

India still produces plenty of engineers, nearly 400,000 a year at last count. But their competence has become the issue.

A study commissioned by a trade group, the National Association of Software and Service Companies, or Nasscom, found only one in four engineering graduates to be employable. The rest were deficient in the required technical skills, fluency in English or ability to work in a team or deliver basic oral presentations.

The skills gap reflects the narrow availability of high-quality college education in India and the galloping pace of the country’s service-driven economy, which is growing faster than nearly all but China’s. The software and service companies provide technology services to foreign companies, many of them based in the United States. Software exports alone expanded by 33 percent in the last year.

The university systems of few countries would be able to keep up with such demand, and India is certainly having trouble. The best and most selective universities generate too few graduates, and new private colleges are producing graduates of uneven quality.

As I was educated outside India plenty a times I was subject to the criticism that my education was not good enough. But over a period of time I have realized that maybe primary and middle school education in India might be good but after that very few institutes are there in India that provide even reasonal education. I have seen fellow students and collegues (educated in india) struggle with what should be easy. But I won't just blame the education system here... each individual is to be blamed. Cause all that we worry about is getting the marks and not actually learning what we are doing. Maybe with time this mind set will change among the Indians

Oct 16, 2006


Reminds me of the song Pal Pal hai bhari form Swadesh. Why do we celebrate these festivals??? It does not to have the same value... Seems to be just another holiday no one thinks about them. Some just do the rituals and others don't that is the only difference. Those days are gone when the every festival stood for a trait that was to be learned, a virtue to be added in once life. Now it is just something to show... But show what? That we are Hindus? Does lighting a few diyas or chanting few lines of sholaks actually makes us Hindu? Or just a good enf reason to buy new clothes? chillax at home?

I wonder does virtue actually has any value in life? If not why not? There is a trend in Hinduism in India that I am seeing these days... There no information, only misinformation. Too many (wrong)things are being done in the name of religion. I use to think that it is a problem faced more by other religion(recently) but now it seems to be fast spreading again in Hinduism.

But none the less I will enjoy my diwali to the fullest and hope u all do the same. Will continue on this thought later.

Oct 12, 2006

To ban or not to????

We can't just pick and choose what to tolerate [from The Hindu]

The whole article is worth a read, so i am not quoting anything in particular. This is about the 'burkha'/head scarf ban in Europe. Don't know what to comment on this issue. Personally I do not support women wearing 'burkha' or 'ghughat'. But on the other hand noone(includes the govt., their husbands, their parents, etc. etc.) has a right to tell an adult what to wear and what not to. So if they want to wear it... it is their wish and should be respected.

Oct 4, 2006

Why are we following other conservative religions????

Katrina's skirt creates a row in Ajmer via

What the hell is wrong with everyone. why do i see more and more headlines about what to wear and what not wear istead of some real issues in the society today. There are simply so many things that need to change in the society other than the lenght of her skirt... look around open your eyes.. no your mind and grow up.