Sep 1, 2018

Aug 31, 2018

current mind map

relevancy, ML for learning to rank, share data pipeline, streaming data updates, shared code vs shared infra vs shared data, cost and team organisation, entity recognition, courage & decline, and writing again

after ages

after ages back on dance floor... music and rhythm and beats and expression and emotion and so much more... yes it was simple and easy but to feel it coming back it has been a pleasure... don't forget this feeling!

social media & opinion

I tend to go on and off social media and I have never given it much thought why... I suspect there is a reason, must be.
Last couple of days I have randomly scrolling media (social and otherwise)... and something struck me, everyone has an opinion and everyone wants to say something talk about something. I always thought to have an opinion you have to be well read, understand the subject matter, understand the audience, understand situation and even understand opposing point of views. Opinion was expressing yourself in context of what you know about and be ready to change it as more information comes your way. But it isn't the case anymore it seems everyone "wants" to have a opinion as soon as the first piece of information comes our way. The word opinion has become almost same as random thought with no or almost no knowledge.

Opinion, leadership and confidence were meant to have depth... and come from a genuine place of knowledge.
The world could do with little less opinion and a lot more living by example.

Aug 3, 2017

फिर से वक्त भरना है,
उन पतली गलियों से गुज़रना है,
कुछ टूटी आदतें जोड़नी हैं,
फिर से नई धुन गुगु गुनानी है,
कुछ नए सवाल सुलझाने है,
कुछ पुराने खयाल भुलाने है,
फिर से वक्त भारना है। 

Apr 20, 2014

Feb 22, 2014

ज़िन्दगी मुस्कराती है 
जाने फिर क्यों आँख भर आती है। 
छोटा सा आचल, थोड़े से सपने,
जाने फिर क्यों राहें भटक जाती है। 

ज़िन्दगी कुछ समझाना चाहती है ,
जाने क्या सीखना चाहती है। 

Jun 9, 2013

May 6, 2013


"The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another." - William James
Via (@GreatestQuotes)

I knew exactly how she felt

I have been reading/hearing a lot about women in IT these days but am not sure how I feel about it. The article above is nice point of view... But do we need to talk about women in IT?

When I look back at my personal experience it was as recent as last year that someone told me with a whole load of conviction "don't you think you are in the wrong department; shouldn't you being a women be a BA or PM". That was not the first time and that will not be the last. I can line a whole load of comments that I have heard but the fact that stood out about this particular comment was guy telling me this was not a douche bag by any stretch of imagination and I have seen my share of them.
Have I ever been discouraged by comments like this? I think no - I have been pissed but not really discouraged. But then I have never questioned the fact that I wanted to be an engineer. I hear a lot of talk about women questioning themselves - and I ask myself why did I not question myself? Was it because my physics teacher in middle school was a women? female role model? Was it because my parents never discouraged me? Probably to huge extent. But one reason that I think always kept me going was because I loved it - physics, maths, logic, computers I have enjoyed learning and am enjoying working in this field. I didn't get into this to prove that women can do it... I am here because I love it and it makes sense to me. 0's and 1's talk to me.
And one more thing for every person who has discouraged me there has been someone who has encouraged me too.

Now back to my original premiss are women in tech something special? Something to talk about? and after half a page of writing I still don't really know... but I know that there are very few of us.

May 5, 2013

वक्त नहीं मिलता

आज कल कुछ कहने को नहीं होता
जिससे मिलो वो यही कहता - यार वक्त नहीं मिलता
कितने खाली प्याले समेटे थे कल
और आज एक प्याला भरने तो वक्त नहीं मिलता

वाही नहीं

यही कही, कही नहीं
तुमने मुझे रोक नही |

हसी कुशी, कुशी नहीं
भरी आखें छलकी नहीं |

तुमारी यादे भूली नहीं
पर सुनहरी यादे नयी कई |

चलती रही, गुज़री नहीं 
ख़ुशी मुझे मिली वाही |