Aug 17, 2005


Editor Outsources Everyday Life to India abc news

"For one month, a team in Bangalore, India, paid Jacobs' bills, bought gifts for his family and even called his parents for their weekly chat.
When Jacobs got into a fight with his wife, Julie, he outsourced his complaint to his assistant, Asha.
Asha wrote in an e-mail to Julie: "Julie, do understand your anger that I forgot to pick up the cash at the ATM. I have been forgetful and I am sorry about that, but it does not change the fact that I love you very much."
Asha also sent Julie a card with hugging teddy bears.
"I thought it was totally pathetic," Julie Jacobs said. "AJ, who does not like confrontation whatsoever, was now using a woman 4,000 miles away to handle my confrontation skills.""


M said...
