Aug 4, 2005


M said...

Asimov quote- So true when it comes to humans!

In nature (sans humans), it's a way of survival.

Lao-Tzu quote - it gave me wings to fly!

Rajan said...

w.r.t Asimov quote : What would it take for us to be otherwise ?? More prosperity/ opportunity , less religion , more science.

w.r.t Lao-Tzu quote - Dont know what love means. Liking someone or being liked by someone can make a big diff in your attitude towards life. That is very ture. But such attitudes are fleeting states of mind according to me. Maybe I am not old/mature enough to understand all this.

Shobhna Srivastava said...

manjusha: i have been trying to remember which blog was it that i had seen good colleciton of writting on and i could not remember it. glad that u droped by again. going to add u to the list of blogs i visit :)

abt the quotes:
maybe one day our measure of competence will be different. it will be the best each of us can achieve, not compared to anyone else.

whether love gives wings or it is just fleeting, it sure leaves an impact and we have to decide how to adjust it in our lives.

Aditya said...

salvor hardin (from asimov's foundation trilogy, who is the source of the quote) is described to be famous for his epigrams. another oneof them is: It pays to be obvious especially if you have a reputation for subtelty