Oct 23, 2005

Mandir Break(that is what I call it)

Bare feet, cold marble floor, insense smell, flicking diyas, kids walking around, multitude of colors, and ofcourse Gods & devoties that is what I associate with a mandir.
But there is nothing like standing there eyes closed while the pooja is going on and just concentrating on the shloks that are being chanted. For that short duration mind does not wander around it feels that the shloks are just washing away on your soul. Or the time that I just sit at the mandir... it seems like a break form all that is going on. Kind of a fresh starting point collecting all the thoughts.


Ar Ar Ar Arrrrr said...

Oh yeah...
That is so relieveing at times...I used to visit temple once a week few years back....now Im too lazy for this :(

Went on thursday while coming back home..
I like to hear the shlok's and fragrance of agarbattis...hmmmm...

Anonymous said...

ha ha ..
that is the time i am most wandering in my mind....concentrate on everything but the shlokas...

the only time i enjoyed the mandir was in BHU...sitting with my friend in the corner...chatting away in the serene peaceful enviro...hmm..those great days

Sreekesh Menon said...