Jan 22, 2006

I don't have words and I didn't have a clue

Hard truth: India is haven for child sex tourism from Hindustan Times
India has become one of the hottest child sex tourism destinations. A report, Trafficking in Women and Children in India, sponsored by the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC), highlights this, mentioning not just Goa, which since the 1990s has uncovered rackets by Freddy Peats and Helmut Brinkmann, but also Alleppy and Ernakulam districts of Kerala, where houseboat tourism has lately seen a boom.
In Mumbai, nearly 70,000 minors are abused yearly, estimates Kusumbar Choudhury of Save the Children India. Given that the sex tourism trade is as invisible as it is efficient, there are no hard numbers, but it is believed that the kids come from all corners of the country, as well as Nepal and Bangladesh.


Ar Ar Ar Arrrrr said...


Child sex....People are turning into monsters these days

smiley said...

Always thought Thailand was the destination of paedophiles. It is quite alarming and sad to know that India - Kerala has that sort of tourism.