Jan 18, 2006

Race Science

Race Science heading for rehabilitation from The Hindu

Last month, Mr. Pinker told the Edge website that "the dangerous idea of the next decade" will be the notion that "groups of people may differ genetically in their average talents and temperaments." It is all the more dangerous for being bound up with ideas about how populations vary in their susceptibility to disease. The implication is that we must take these ideas as a package.
Over the years, the denial of race became almost absolute. Differences were only skin-deep, it was said — despite the common knowledge that certain groups had higher incidences of genetically influenced diseases. It became a taboo, and as the taboo starts to appear outdated or untenable, the danger is that unreflective denial will be replaced by equally uncritical acceptance.

This not the first article about race science that I am reading, it is something that is becoming a well know field of science.
How long it will be before this too will be used for or against someone? Good article none the less.