Feb 8, 2006

The Alchemist

Day before I was reading the alchemist while on the plane... A few people had recommended me the book and I have been wondering what the whole deal was about. Finally got chance to read it since it was gifted to me :)

It is a very simple story but it has so many implications to life. So many place I had to stop and think what did I do when I was in such a situation? Where is this applicable? All in all that tiny book has a lot of meaning. And more so for me... since probably I have to figure what is my "Personal Legend". Kind of reminds me of "The Little Prince" Which on the surface seemed to be just a cartoon but was a lot more.

Now I have moved to Memoirs of a Geisha. Another gripping book.


Deepak said...

"...moved to Memoirs of a Geisha. Another griping book."

I guess you mean "gripping". :)

Srikar said...

Yeah Alchemist is a great book. On similar lines try getting hold of books by 'Richard Bach'. they are equally great...

smiley said...

Starting to read again after readingg all reviews from your blogs