Feb 23, 2006

I bow to thy

India's feisty untouchable woman from BBC

After leading a spirited drive to root out alcoholism and get the government to work for her community in the troubled state of Bihar, she has become the first woman from her community of rat-eaters to address a United Nations convention.

Musahars are so poor that their staple diet often comprises mice.

On 27 February, the unlettered Girija Devi will lead five women from India at the international meeting to talk about the status of women. She will speak in her local Bhojpuri dialect.

This is simply marvelous. She has helped make 125 villages alcohol free WOW!


Ar Ar Ar Arrrrr said...

She will speak in her local Bhojpuri dialect.
I hope someone translates this in eng for them :)