Feb 17, 2006

Lifes lesson

Waiting is something that I have never been good at, and the other thing that I have never been good at dealing with is uncertainity. I like decisions and I can live with them. But when life decides to teach you lessons it does it the hard way.
These days it always feels like the moment I am ready to take the next step there is something coming up to delay it or prevent it.


Anonymous said...

For what you have said in the end, there is always a clash between the urgent and the important.

Ar Ar Ar Arrrrr said...

These days it always feels like the moment I am ready to take the next step there is something coming up to delay it or prevent it.
Im going thru this right now...
I know there is something which is delaying a major decision coz of which lot of things are getting delayed....

Anonymous said...

If its really that important or urgent no matter what u will go ahead.