Aug 8, 2008

Sreyas and Preyas

Path of wisdom via The Hindu

This makes me realize that there is so much to read.... good old reading :)

The Vedas posit that man has a choice of two paths in this world: Sreyas (preferable) also called Nivrtti, and the other Preyas (delectable) which is also known as Pravrtti. Sreyas is said to be preferable because the end (Self-knowledge) that is sought is permanent and hence there is no return to the world of bondage. The Vedas prescribe Preyas as a legitimate pursuit for fulfilling desires pertaining to both the world and the heaven through the performance of various sacrifices (Karma) with Dharma as the guiding principle in their advocacy. The fruits of Karma can be enjoyed relatively quickly but they are not long-lasting because they remain only till the merit is exhausted.

Story of Nachiketa


Known Stranger said...

thanks for this quote

Rajan said...

good to see you back blogging regularly again :)