Nov 22, 2005

Its all in your brain!!!

This Is Your Brain Under Hypnosis from NYTimes

"In medical hands, hypnosis was no laughing matter. In the 19th century,
physicians in India successfully used hypnosis as
even for limb amputations. The practice fell from favor only when ether was
Now, Dr. Posner and others said, new research on hypnosis and
suggestion is providing a new view into the cogs and wheels of normal brain
One area that it may have illuminated is the processing of sensory
data. Information from the eyes, ears and body is carried to primary sensory
regions in the brain. From there, it is carried to so-called higher regions
where interpretation occurs.
"According to decades of
research, 10 to 15 percent of adults are highly hypnotizable, said Dr. David
Spiegel, a psychiatrist at Stanford who studies the clinical uses of hypnosis.
Up to age 12, however, before top-down circuits mature, 80 to 85 percent of
children are highly hypnotizable.
One adult in five is flat out resistant to
hypnosis, Dr. Spiegel said. The rest are in between, he said.
"Brain scans show that the control mechanisms for deciding what to do in
the face of conflict become uncoupled when people are hypnotized. Top-down
processes override sensory, or bottom-up information, said Dr. Stephen M.
Kosslyn, a neuroscientist at Harvard. People think that sights, sounds and touch
from the outside world constitute reality. But the brain constructs what it
perceives based on past experience, Dr. Kosslyn said.
Most of the time
bottom-up information matches top-down expectation, Dr. Spiegel said. But
hypnosis is interesting because it creates a mismatch. "We imagine something
different, so it is different," he said.

Sounds like Imperious Curse... But only that is is not being used by dark wizards but Aurors of decease, the doctors. For those of you it seems gibberish check out the terms from A Harry Potter Dictionary.
Anything in itself is not good or bad it is its use that makes the difference!


Ar Ar Ar Arrrrr said...

I always wonder how people get hypnotised looking at a pendulum...

Is it possible?

I so wanna get hypnotised one day ;)