Nov 9, 2005

What to say!!!! Redefinition of science???

Kansas Board Approves Challenges to Evolution from NYTimes

"The standards move beyond the broad mandate for critical analysis of evolution that four other states have established in recent years, by recommending that schools teach specific points that doubters of evolution use to undermine its primacy in science education.
Among the most controversial changes was a redefinition of science itself, so that it would not be explicitly limited to natural explanations.
The vote was a watershed victory for the emerging movement of intelligent design, which posits that nature alone cannot explain life's complexity. John G. West of the Discovery Institute, a conservative research organization that promotes intelligent design, said Kansas now had "the best science standards in the nation."

I have a simple question how can a board of some people decide what is to be taught in science when the majority of scientific community has little or no doubt abt evolution?
What is taught in science classrooms should not be decided on what majority thinks...