Jul 7, 2005


Rajan said...

Stocks are attractively priced.

Terrorists get attention.
People are scared.
Security companies can get a bigger share of the taxpayers money.
War on Terror gets more legitimacy.

More ??

Shobhna Srivastava said...

do any of these reasons make it worth taking human life!! rn't there better ways of dealing with things? or has this cycle of hate gone to far to be pulled back?

Rajan said...

Thats why MK Gandhi was called the Mahatma. He could do what you expect out of every person. As I grow up I realize the gray shades of people. You start with a sliver of gray actions and then start justifying larger and larger actions. We have friends who do all this at a smaller scale and its the scale that shields them from being called viallains.

Shobhna Srivastava said...

gandhiji was par above the rest. but some decisions of his, i do not agree with... that is a debatable issue for me.

yes all of us have grey shades but i don't think we should accept thoes grey shades in ourselves or in others. once we do, they become normal and then we do not try to fight them. so many times we here people say "it does not work like this anymore" or "no use being nice". but there is something inherently wrong with thoes statments.