Jul 8, 2005

you can sell anything in Mumbai

Sold for Rs 12,000 via indiauncut (an excellent blog)

"Baby was bought in 3 hrs
1.We got to Hotel Almas for some refreshments and also to hand over the promised Rs 12,000 to the two women
2.Mehjabeen, the daughter of one of the touts is delighted with her booty and loses no time in counting the paisa.
3.We all pose happily for keepsake photos. The touts show no remorse handing over the baby to us
4.Ok bye, says Anjum, one of the touts shaking Naveeta’s hand. Further she insists that Naveeta not forget her!
5.Naveeta seems a bit flustered left holding the baby but he is exceptionally well-behaved and gives no trouble
6.One of the workers at Bal Anand the orphanage where handed over the child
7.Little Asif looks only too happy to be snug in a blanket after a bath. It’s been quite an ordeal for him. "