Jul 2, 2005

is science overstepping its boundaries???!!!!

started writing on 6/17/05
i have been trying to write abt this for some time but it never seems to finish or does not sound rite or i happens that i am contradicting myself...
but here it is just as a stream of thoughts, sometimes jumping from one topic to other.

Boffins create zombie dogs via slashdot

""The results are stunning. I think in 10 years we will be able to prevent death in a certain segment of those using this technology," said one US battlefield doctor."

i don't know if the prime aim of human life to prolong it for as long as possible... without any worth in living it. what is the use of having a life that long?

also it says in the article somewhere... that they will put people people to 'sleep' for few hours!!!!!!!!

"However rather than sending people to sleep for years, then bringing them back to life to benefit from medical advances, the boffins would be happy to keep people in this state for just a few hours,
But even this should be enough to save lives such as battlefield casualties and victims of stabbings or gunshot wounds, who have suffered huge blood loss."

damn it. spend this much time, energy and money to stop the wars....
it will have its benefits, but somehow it does not sound rite, it seems to have more potential of being misused than being used, like nuclear energy. but does that mean that we should stop trying to understand life, and how it functions?

here are some more links that r in the same direction

it just makes the bottom of my stomach fall.

there are so many things that we r all bought up to believe... one of them is that death is inevitable. my reaction to these could be due to the acceptance of death as a part of life. and the others are just listening to the gene as that tries to prolong its survival. but then the initial assumption that the gene did try or is trying to prolong its existence is baseless. and even if it is true at the rate at which at which it is being mutilated does not make sense to save these mutilated being. (btw i do believe in evolution) and then if is trying to survive is human the best medium? doesn't seem so, cause we r going towards our own destruction. but then r we?
i think fiction is never very far away from reality. it is what the human mind can imagine and one day we will try to make it true. lets look at the current literature, sic-fi esp, the future does not look very pretty, does it?
actually there is something i have always wondered. y is it easier for people to heal physically, not spiritually. then the question arises does spirituality actually exist? is morality subjective? Something that has popped out of human brain? human brain... is it a preprogrammed hardware custom designed for each individual? do we actually need to know the ans? and if we do know it will be used or misused? r we smart enf to understand this 'creation'? if we r smart enf understand then r we smart enf to harness the good out of it? and then the giant question what is "good"?
there r many more in this series of questions, but i let me stop now.


Rish said...

I think many ppl misunderstand the issue at hand - namely an advanced medical technique used to save a life. It cannot bring back the dead. If anyone reads it that way - they are incorrect. If we are against such a procedure [one which in principle is already used in long complex operations - like complex heart surgery - where they cool the body down to minimize damage from metabolism and other factors] then I guess in principle we should be against all forms of medical interventions, even the one that could save a parent and let them live a long productive life. It is only when we personalize it that we truely realize just how precious the gift of medicine is to humanity.

Shobhna Srivastava said...

probably u r rite. but it depends on how u look at it and how it is used eventually.
probably will have to think this one through more carefully.