Jul 25, 2005

is it a good question?

'Islamic' terrorism: media's role from hindu

"Every community has its share of radicals who indulge in violence for a cause, imagined or real, that they believe in. However the terror attacks of the Irish Republican Army were never called Catholic or Christian terrorism; the sarin gas attack of Aum Shinrikyo, which derives inspiration from Hinduism and Buddhism, was never associated with its mother religion. Why is not the mindless violence unleashed by supporters of the Sangh Parivar in Gujarat called Hindu terrorism?
Violence by the Palestinian Hamas is called Islamic terrorism. By the same logic, the bombings of Gaza by the Israeli army that kills and maims innocents everyday should be called Jewish terrorism. Together these groups have been responsible for the killing of thousands of innocent people. Why then has only Islam been singled out for this indignity? Everyone talks of the 'Islamic bomb.' Ever heard of a 'Christian bomb,' 'Hindu bomb' or a 'Buddhist/Shinto bomb'? "