Jul 7, 2005

dance- a form of art not sport.

Budding Dancers Compete, Seriously from nytimes.

"But as dance competitions have become big business, questions about the appropriateness of having young children compete, especially in midriff-baring outfits, and about the virtues of forcing an art into a competitive framework in the first place have also grown."
""I played sports all my life, and I've never seen anyone work as hard as they do," said Dennis Spitzer, a physical therapist from Fresno, Calif., who had come with his wife to watch their 10-year-old daughter, Lindsay, compete at the Waldorf with the Dance Studio of Fresno. "They are going out there to win. If they don't win, they feel as badly as we do when we lose. It's not dance. It's a sport."
Those words are anathema to many in the dance world. "Dance is not a sport, it's an art," said Elsa Posey, a past president of the National Dance Education Organization, who has run a studio in Northport, N.Y., since 1953. "In art, the competition is within oneself." "

"Such agonies of defeat - the exception, not the rule - come with the territory of competition, and they raise the issue of judging, which, in dance, is an inherently subjective process."