Jul 8, 2005

crime against women

India wakes up to its battered women from indianexpress
"Swati suffered nine years of terror and beatings at the hands of her husband and in-laws for not paying an ample enough dowry, before they eventually tried to kill her by burning her alive."

Another Imrana: Father-in-law rapes Assam girl from indianexpress
"The family, who are Bangladeshi immigrants, did not inform the police about the rape, but went to local religious elders who gave the decree that she divorce her husband, he said"

i wonder has the crime against women gone up, or is it that media is publishing more abt such crimes, or maybe the mukhtaran mai's case has made indian media bold to be able to report such cases.

Bombay Univ says mini skirt ban helps stop rape from indianexpress again
"Bombay University plans to ban women from wearing mini skirts, tight tops and shorts, saying this will help prevent rape.
Officials at the university say they would prefer to see women students in a traditional salwar-kameez with no deep neckline"

next step if this does not solve the crime... all wear burkhas(no religious context intended), stay at home(y even go to college) and never peak in the outside world. perfect soln isn't it. IDIOTS.
they better go and get there brains checked if they really think that the salwar-kameez clad women are not victims of such crimes.

the following article is an old one but it is a must read. i do not know which part of the article to quote and which to leave out.
Women fight back against rape epidemic from IE


Rajan said...

How much more incredibly stupid can people be. How can the problem of rape ever devolve into what women should be wearing. Even if women choose to wear nothing how is it even remotely justified for men to even touch them.

Shobhna Srivastava said...

i agree with u on that account completely. it is just that i could not have put it like that. i know women who think that if a woman is raped it is her fault, regardless. it leaves me seachless to say anything to them. how can u make such people realise that 'u have basic human rights too'.