Jul 22, 2005

where else can we create trouble because of religion....

U-turn at JNU over madrassa admissions from hindu

"Coming from a different educational "experience", students from madrassa background are for the first time feeling "unwelcome" on the Jawaharlal Nehru University campus here. With the University taking the drastic step of not just introducing an Equivalence Committee this year to assess the Alimiyat Fazeelat certificates of students but also refusing admission on the plea that these certificates were not equivalent to Class XII, strong resentment and dissent is brewing on the campus.
Describing the move as unacceptable, the JNU Students' Union has already written to the Vice-Chancellor demanding that the new system be withdrawn as it was in complete contradiction to the policy followed by the University in the past.
Though the problem is not new for madrassa students, JNU has always had a far more friendly admission process for them, with the University enrolling at least 100 such students every year in Arabic, Persian and other languages. "

what now, we are going to have a fight over common education system???? what is meant by different educational experience? do they mean that they only study the religious text? or is it accompanied with what regular education should consist of?
as far as my knowledge goes to get into an educational institute you needed to know math, science, art, language or things of the sort. not how many heads raven had (i am using this example because even if it was a hindu religious experience education i will be reacting the same way). i am hoping that they do not evaluate this in religious terms. they should check what courses are taught in these madrassa, and if it meets the education standard of the country. there should be no rule like madarssas are qualified or unqualified as education institute. it is there curriculum that is to be checked.

but i would really like to know what they mean by different educational experience???????


Unknown said...

Shobna you must post more
You were doing a good job