Jul 29, 2005

what's happening???

Colleges too go for dress code from hindu

"Insisting that students dress "simply, decently and modestly," many colleges have banned sleeveless, short, tight-fitting, transparent outfits and, in some cases, even jeans and t-shirts."
""Indecent attire" invites adverse public reactions and incites sexual harassment of students,"

i don't know what the purpose of this system is... because i don't think the values of a 20 something years old can be changes by inflicting him/her with rules. at that age each of us are 'adults' and should be granted the freedom to decide what is moral/decent/appropriate. and please don't use sexual harassement as a reason. because thoes who harras are messed up anyway, so they should be corrected not the one being harrased.


Rajan said...

"At Presidency, students have been asked to avoid coloured or checked t-shirts, while those in New College will have to stick to shirts."

WTF !!
All the result of curtailed sexuality. Let the kids get out and explore. Dont look down upon the sexual liberation of the West.